Thanks to Amazon, the gear I ordered late on Saturday night turned up today at lunchtime. Coming in a nice aluminium box, I've got a set of filters and eye pieces.
Why do I need these?
My telescope is only really a starting point. It came with a fairly generic 25mm eyepiece. It's the eyepiece that provides the magnification. The smaller the number the larger the magnification.
My telescope has a focal length of 1500mm. To calculate the available magnification, you divide this value by the eyepiece size. So, mine works our at 60x magnification.
In the box there's 5 eyepieces
- 6mm (250x)
- 8mm (187x)
- 13mm (115x)
- 17mm (88x)
- 32mm (47x)
And, there's a 2x barlow. You combine this with an eyepiece and it doubles the magnification of that eyepiece - so I've got 10 combinations, from 47x all the way up to 500x magnification.
And, I've got 7 different filters too:
- Orange (46% light transmission)
- Blue (30% light transmission)
- Deep Yellow (74% light transmission)
- Red (14% light transmission)
- Light Green (53% light transmission)
- Green (24% light transmission)
- A moon filter (13% light transmission)
Personally, I'm looking forward to a clear sky and having a closer look at the moon.
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